
You can help grow the site’s reach and you can help increase the amount of content available.

  • Wear a t-shirt

    Wear a t-shirt

    We have our own online shop, hosted by a company called Threadless at Profits from sales help support this site and wearing any of these tees makes a bold statement about global politics. Threadless is a separate company and is responsible for its own customer service and ethics. They are’s chosen provider because…


  • Tip the site maker

    Tip the site maker

    If you can help to cover the costs of running, writing and promoting the website that would make a very big difference, especially now when the site is just beginning to take shape. The easiest way to donate to support this work is via the website Ko-fi, where you can, as they put it,…


  • Follow @opodw

    Follow @opodw

    It would be great to hear from you on social media and connect with other people interested in this conversation. We are at:


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