The world is the community of all human beings. We need to work together for our shared interests, to stop wars, overcome poverty and maintain our natural environment, without which we cannot survive. International agreements between states aren’t enough to deliver what we need.
Each of us can take part in building a new community by stating what is important to us.
Let’s use this petition to make a start. Its commitments represent the essential elements of the political community we must build together.
Unlike conventional petitions this one doesn’t target a leader or government institution. Instead it targets all other human beings, asking us all to agree to create the shared community we need.
So far 2 people have signed and asked everyone to make these commitments.Share what’s important to you by completing this form. Your name will be added to the petition below.
I ask you, my fellow human being:
- to build one Earth-wide democratic community of all human beings and one shared system of justice,
- to put humanity ahead of nationality and accept all other people as your equal,
- to share in the democratic government of your local community,
- to enable free international movement for all so our place of birth does not limit our opportunity to survive and thrive,
- to work together to protect and conserve our shared natural environment and to provide universally accessible education, homes, health, social care, sustainable energy, water and sanitation,
- to honour our diversity and each person’s right to self-expression,
- to outlaw war between human beings.
This is who I am: